Saturday, September 23, 2006

lvl 25

I figure it might be interesting to keep a journal of the different toons I play on World of Warcraft.

Today I played my Warlock and got to level 25. I did some quests in Ashenvale, then I ran Wailing Caverns. I was grouped with Blackdeth 27 Mage, Lekgolow 26 Hunter, Domic 19 Priest, and Osar 23 Warrior.

We started out, and immediatly Osar ran off and got himself killed. I managed to beat away the adds long enough for the rest of the party to show up and help me finish them off. As soon as the fight was over Osar say "rez." Now i don't know, but i'm guessing our priest probably realized he might like to be resurrected... Osar continued to do foolish things like this. At one point he asked if anyone could enchant something for him. I told him i can do his weapons, but that i didn't have the mats on me at the time, so he say "brb" and runs off, and promptly dies. Apparently he was going off to get the materials...

We kicked Osar from our group and then we proceded to destroy WC. We killed everything that I know of, and I'm looking forward to grouping with them all again.

Domic really stood out in our group. I showed him what it looks like when I lifetap, and told him that if he sees me doing that it would be great if i could get a HoT (Heal Over Time) and from that point on I never had to worry about it. I was simply fantastic.

Blackdeth seemed to be a very proficient Mage and with very few exceptions, handeled sheeping and the like to perfection.

Lekgolow was a good Hunter, though he didn't stand out to me. He didn't make any glaring mistakes, and he was a good group member.

I think i'm going to do some fishing for a bit, and work on cooking as well.

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